Vision and Needs

We seek to plant a church and a school in the Puna district, pursuing the mission of evangelizing generations through proclaiming the gospel in Word and Table and discipling families in their walk with Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that Puna becomes a land more and more marked by the Lordship of Jesus Christ. May there be abundant singing, dancing, and feasting to the True God. Amen!

  • Vision

    We seek to plant a church and a school in the Puna district, pursuing the mission of evangelizing generations through proclaiming the gospel in Word and Table and discipling families in their walk with Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that Puna becomes a land more and more marked by the Lordship of Jesus Christ. May there be abundant singing, dancing, and feasting to the True God. Amen!

    We are moving to the Puna district of the Big Island in early 2024.

    And we need help to go.

  • Prayer

    We cannot go alone. God has blessed us richly in this endeavor through the prayers of faithful brothers and sisters. This is our biggest need. We send out regular emails with specific prayer requests… please click this button and fill in your email to sign up for email updates. Would you pray for us?

  • Financial

    We are raising financial support through both monthly and one-time-gifts. The monthly support will be especially helpful in the beginning years of this mission and will allow us to put more of our working hours towards the church and school plant. Our goal is to have 100 supporters at $50 per month. Would you pray about partnering with us financially?

Hear more about our Vision

Want to hear more in person?

We would LOVE to share more with you in person over a meal, coffee, or phone call! Please feel free to reach out directly or fill in the form and we will contact you!

Fant Family

Fr. Jonathan Fant and Family

Father Jonathan is a pastor and church planter from the east side of O'ahu HI. He has a bachelor’s in music composition and a masters in Christian Studies from New Saint Andrews College. He and his wife Jessica have 3 children.

Jonathan currently serves as a pastor at All Saints Anglican in Honolulu. In addition to his church duties, Jonathan is a tutor and school parent at Saint Benedict Hall, a homeschool hybrid program under the umbrella of the Hawaiian Anglican Network.